Will a Sprinkler System Lower My Water Bills?

lawn-irrigation-systemMost homeowners do not hand-water their lawns as completely and regularly as a sprinkler system will. The timer on the system never goes on vacation, never forgets and never is too tired. It doesn’t have to drag hoses or wake up at 4 a.m. to move the sprinkler.

What a system can do is effectively and efficiently water the lawn. Water is only applied when and where it is needed and the possibility of being over-watered is greatly reduced. Your water bills will be the direct result of how much attention is paid to the weather conditions and how you manage the timer accordingly. For instance, watering your lawn right before a big rain storm won’t be necessary and will allow you to save for the dry summer months.

Can a System Help My Water Bill?

Compared to regular hose-end sprinklers watering, a system can great help your water bill. Hose-end sprinklers use more water than is necessary and don’t evenly distribute the water, which may leave parts of your lawn requiring even more water. With a system, there is very little overlap, resulting in a fresh, green lawn that may have seemed unfathomable with a hose-end sprinkler.

Leaving the system on an odd-and-even program throughout the summer will result in higher bills. There will be many times when watering won’t be necessary at all. The system will also enhance the effectiveness of lawn fertilizations and leave you with a healthier-looking lawn.

Another thing to take into consideration is the size of your lawn. Yards that are smaller in size will generally have a lower water bill. Bigger yards will then, of course, produce higher water bills as the amount of ground that needs to be water is larger.

If you go on long vacations during the summer, your water bill may go up if you keep the system running on a routine schedule regardless of the weather.

Final Thoughts

To determine how a sprinkler system will affect your water bill, your best bet is to reach out to an experienced lawn irrigation company. They will be able to accurately access your lawn’s needs and find you a sprinkler system that is perfect for your needs.